For most of my life, I’ve been drawn to God and the study of spirituality. That doesn’t mean my spiritual journey was always easy; no one’s journey is, and mine definitely included times when I was mad at or felt abandoned by God. But once I came to know God’s deep love for me, so much changed.

I’m the author of five books on spirituality, two of which have won awards. I love to teach and lead retreats, workshops, and online classes. I also teach spirituality and healing from trauma to women who have survived human trafficking and soldiers who have PTSD.

I’m a spiritual director, which means I sit with people as they explore their experience of, relationship with, and/or questions for God or the church. I find that the Enneagram is a really helpful tool for this process.

I have a Master of Theological Studies from Duke Divinity School and completed the two-year Academy for Spiritual Formation. I’m also a Certified Narrative Enneagram Practitioner.

One of the key ways I experience God’s deep love for me is through my husband, Max, a United Methodist minister, and our child, Matthew, a student at Carleton College. God’s love also comes to me through chocolate mousse, freshly-cut flowers, Legos, the color indigo, and people in T-Rex costumes.

You are God's Beloved. That is your true story. And it's a story the whole world needs to hear.