Spiritual Direction

I’m not so much a spiritual director as a spiritual companion. The Celts often used the term Anam Cara, meaning soul friend. That’s good, too.

In other words, my role is to join you wherever you are in your spiritual journey, offer a compassionate presence, and help you listen for God’s voice in your life.

This may be particularly helpful if you:

  • want to feel, experience, believe in, and own God’s deep love for you

  • struggle with pain and trauma, and need to share that with God

  • have questions for God or about God

  • are trying to discern where God is leading you

  • feel hurt by religious institutions but want to explore your spiritual journey

  • are clergy needing space for your own spiritual formation

Wherever you are, that’s where we’ll be.

I find the Enneagram helpful in this process, but it’s up to you whether or not we incorporate it into our time together. You can learn more about the Enneagram here.

We can meet in person or via Zoom.

I charge $75 – $100 per session; however, I also offer a sliding scale. It’s important to me that spiritual direction be financially accessible for you.

I also offer group spiritual direction and Enneagram typing interviews.