How to Use Prayer Beads

There are no rules about how to use prayer beads, so relax and know you can’t mess this up. There are no prayer bead police; no one can tell you you’re doing it wrong. So relax. Take a deep breath. Settle in. Be curious about the ways the Holy Spirit is inviting you to be with God. And be.

Relax. You can’t mess this up.

Whether it’s your daily prayer, “Now I lay me down to sleep,” the Lord’s Prayer, or any other prayer, you can hold your prayer beads as you recite the words. Hold the beads still in your hands or run your fingers across each bead - whatever works for you. Allow the beads to keep your focus on the present moment and to remind you of God’s presence. God is listening.

Use prayers you already know.

Protestant prayer beads have four sets of seven beads. If you’re not sure what to pray, assign themes to each of the four sections. For example, you might use the first set to praise God, the second set to offer your confession, the third set to lift up your prayer requests, and the fourth to share what you’re thankful for. Then relax and use each bead in the set to name your praise/confession/concern/gratitude. That’s just one example. Feel free to come up with your own themes.

Or find your own words.

One of the greatest gifts of prayer beads is their ability to quiet the mind. So often, we want to pray, meditate, or just be with God, but our minds just won’t settle down. Find a word or phrase to repeat. The phrase might be a verse from Scripture, a line from a poem, or something as simple as, “Comfort me.” Sit with your prayer beads. Relax. Get comfortable. Close your eyes. Repeat your word or phrase with each bead. Allow the repetition to quiet your mind. Over time, your breathing will slow, your body will soften. In this space, listen for God’s voice of deep love.

Quiet your mind.

If you are struggling, grieving, hurting, afraid, or lonely, simply hold the beads. Cling to them if you need to. You may not do anything else with them, but the very act of holding your prayer beads is a prayer. The beads are reminding you that you are not alone in that dark place. God is with you - as close to you as the beads between your fingers. Like the Israelites in the wilderness, God is with you and will get you through this. You are deeply loved.

Just hold them.

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